Ricciardo’s Drive to Excellence: Addressing Performance Concerns with RB Praise

Ricciardo's Drive to Excellence: Addressing Performance Concerns with RB Praise

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Daniel Ricciardo is avoiding getting excited about very positive comments made by RB CEO Peter Bayer.

Daniel Ricciardo is prioritizing improving his performances over positive feedback from RB’s CEO Peter Bayer, who praised Ricciardo and Yuki Tsunoda during the Monaco Grand Prix. The comments fueled speculation of possible contract extensions for the 2025 season for the duo. Despite a challenging start to 2024, Ricciardo’s form has improved since receiving a new chassis, sparking talks of a potential contract renewal. Ricciardo, focused on enhancing his performance and closing the gap to rival teams, credits RB for their unwavering support during his struggles this season. The Australian driver remains determined to showcase his capabilities and aims to perform more consistently moving forward, emphasizing the importance of meeting his own high standards rather than getting ahead of himself about the future.

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